Department of Biology and Medical Genetics
![annotation image](res/anot-department-of-biology-and-medical-genetics_4ac22d687eb7e.jpg)
2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Learning materials for 5th year students CG
Clinical Genetics
E-learnig course
Genetics and pharmacogenetics in child psychiatry
Přednáška k výuce předmětu Klinická genetika 5. ročník pro zahraniční studenty.
Molecular genetics: diagnosis & research in acute leukaemias
![annotation image](res/anot-molecular-genetics-diagnosis-research-in-acute-leukaemias_4c189144bc825.jpg)
Special oncology - educational material
Medical Biology I
E-learning course
Department of Medical Microbiology
![annotation image](res/anot-department-of-medical-microbiology_4ac89f98bff9e.jpg)
2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Department of Medical Informatics
![annotation image](res/anot-department-of-medical-informatics_4ac89f02e6ce4.jpg)
2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
![annotation image](res/anot-department-of-medical-chemistry-and-biochemistry_4ac3cac7d48d5.jpg)
2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Children with handicap in the social - medical care
![annotation image](res/anot-children-with-handicap-in-the-social-medical-care_4d2c730f0fb26.jpg)
Necessity of complete care for handicaped children. Early diagnosis, therapy, social care, education.
Department of Medical Ethics and Human Studies in Medicine
![annotation image](res/anot-department-of-medical-ethics-and-human-studies-in-medicine_4ac89e6aa7c74.jpg)
2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Medical Psychology- Ethic/psychology
Introduction for the 4th class
Biophysics – MD Curriculum in General Medicine 2012/2013
.. Handouts for the Biophysics course for 1st year medical students (MD curriculum in general medicine).. ..keywords: for the Biophysics course for 1st year medical..
Advances in Molecular Genetic
..keywords: genetics,..
Anorectal malformations
.. malformations - Male, Female; ARM - embryology, genetics, Incidence, diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance..
The introduction into principles of nuclear medicine
.. medicine is a medical specialty that uses radioactive materials to..
Psychologie bolesti
.. I. Abnormal illness behavior. British J. of Medical Psychology, 1969; 42: 347 – 351.
Studijní materiál k předmětům klinická psychologie (3. ročník Bc) a Psychosomatika a klinická psychologie (2. ročník Nmgr. )
.. I. Abnormal illness behavior. British J. of Medical Psychology, 1969; 42: 347 – 351.