Acute abdominal conditions
Inflammatory; Bowel obstruction; Trauma; Peritoneal and thoracic cavity with foetal circulation; Gastrointestinal; Genitourinary; Gynaecolologic; Neurogenic; Vascular; Systemic disease; Mimicking intraabdominal pathology; Bowel obstruction - Mechanic, Neurogenic, Vascular; Ladd syndrome – malrotation of the midgut with Ladd´s bands; The difference between hernia in a child and an adult.
Age-related eye conditions and deseases
![annotation image](res/anot-age-related-eye-conditions-and-deseases_4c0e7fbe45ce6.jpg)
Příspěvek je určen studentům 5. ročníku magisterského studia medicíny 2. LF v rámci interny /výuka v angličtině
Abdominal trauma
Abdominal trauma
Blunt trauma 85% mortality 9%
Penetrating trauma 15% mortality 6%
Shock = Inadequate tissue perfusion
Shock - clinical features
Management of abdominal trauma
Treatment of shock:
•oxygen support - 100% O2
•cannulation of peripheral vein 2x
•fluid replacement - crystalloid solution
•transport to ICU
ICU management
ICU monitoring
Fluid resuscitation - hemodynamic stability
Abdominal injury
![annotation image](res/anot-abdominal-injury_4d332801d90e7.jpg)
Přednáška pro mediky 6. r. - AJ
Paediatric Acute Abdomen
Podklady pro výukový seminář "dětské akutní břicho" - V.ročník cizinci
![annotation image](res/anot-acute-renal-failure_52e25df56519f.jpg)
![annotation image](res/anot-acute-complications-of-type-1-diabetes_52aaac292cc79.jpg)
Molecular genetics: diagnosis & research in acute leukaemias
![annotation image](res/anot-molecular-genetics-diagnosis-research-in-acute-leukaemias_4c189144bc825.jpg)
Special oncology - educational material
European action plan for food and nutrition policy 2007 - Tackling noncommunicable and acute disease
Studijní materiál preventiví lékařství
Anorectal malformations
.. defects of anus and rectum;
Failure of cloaca´s development; Classification Anorectal.. .. - minimal, classical - perineal, perineal + abdominal; Postoperative complications in 156..
Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients and Community Commitment
.. between Stroke vs. Acute Myocardial Infarction. Stroke Patients Care in.. ..keywords: acute myocardial infarction, patients..
Leukemia in children and adults
.. oncology - educational material
Acute leukemia - model of ethiology, symptoms,..
Neonatal surgery
.. atresia, Malrotation, Diaphragmatic hernias, Abdominal wall defects, Lung anomaly
Neonatal perioperative care - Clinical cases
.. stools, spinal tap performed, on day 3 for abdominal distention X-ray..
Social work in a hospital
.. and health institutional care
Old people´s home, long term hospital, care..
Thoracic surgery
.. brest) - protrusion deformity
• Poland´s syndrom - Absence of the pectoralis major and..
Psychologie bolesti
.. in the care of the dying. Wall and Melzack´s Textbook of Pain. 5th Edition. Elsevier 2006,.. .. Management of Disability in
Nonspecific Conditions. Task Force on Pain in the Workplace of the..
Studijní materiál k předmětům klinická psychologie (3. ročník Bc) a Psychosomatika a klinická psychologie (2. ročník Nmgr. )
.. in the care of the dying. Wall and Melzack´s Textbook of Pain. 5th Edition. Elsevier 2006,.. .. Management of Disability in
Nonspecific Conditions. Task Force on Pain in the Workplace of the..