Hepatobiliary surgery
Hepatobiliary surgery; Liver tumors in children; Benign liver tumors; Hemangiomas: 1. Cavernous hemangiomas 2. Hemangioendotheliomas
•Cardiac failure - digoxin, diuretics
•Corticosteroids or alpha2A-interferon induce regresion in some cases
•Localized - resection
•Bilobar - hepatic artery ligation or embolization
•Rare - transplantation
Focal nodular hyperplasia - FNH; Adenoma; Non-Parasitic Cysts; Congenital liver cyst – located partially extrahepatic in porta hepatis; Malignant liver tumors; Hepatoblastoma; Staging by SIOP of malignant liver tumors; Hepatoblastoma - Histopathology
Neonatal surgery
Neonatal surgery Congenital diseases
•Atresia GIT, biliary atresia, Malrotation, Diaphragmatic hernias, Abdominal wall defects, Lung anomaly
Acquired diseases
•Perinatal trauma, Hernias, Testicular torsion, Ileus, Perforation and inflammation of GIT, NEC, Tumors
Surgery of congenital malformations - complex treatment; Survival in isolated malformation in Motol Hospital; Congenital diaphragmatic hernia – posterolateral, Bochdalek - Czech pathologist Professor Bochdalek in1848.
Department of Surgery

2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Surgery of Tumours
Podklady pro výukový seminář "Chirurgie nádorů" - VI. ročník cizinci
Cancer surgery

General oncology - educational materials
Thoracic surgery
Chest wall deformities:
• Pectus excavatum - (funnel chest), most common chest wall deformity, Surgical repair - without metallic strut - modif. Welch, with metallic strut - modif. Holcomb, complications, Minimally invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum - Nuss technique
• Pectus carinatum - (pigeon brest) - protrusion deformity
• Poland´s syndrom - Absence of the pectoralis major and minor muscles and syndactyly
• Sternal defects
Esophageal Atresia; CCAM; Oncological pulmonary diseases; Mediastinal Masses; Anterior and superior mediastinum.
Cardiac surgery

The basic review of cardiac surgery.
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Podklady pro výukový seminář "Pediatric Cardiac Surgery" - VI. ročník cizinci
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Main Tasks
- Congenital heart diseases
- Acquired heart diseases
- Infective endocarditis
- Injury to heart and great vessels
- Cardiomyopathy
- Heart transplantation
- Stenosis of trachea and bronchi
Examinations; Most Common Congenital Heart Diseases; Critical CHD - Hypoxaemia, Heart failure; Surgical Treatment of CHD; Surgeries without Cardiopulmonary Bypass ...
Department of Paediatric Surgery

2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Orthodontics and Maxillo-Facial Surgery

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Surgery of small and large intestine

Přednáška pro mediky 6. r. - AJ
Department of Surgery (Central Military Hospital)

2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Neonatal perioperative care
Chirurgie jater, žlučových cest a pankreatu
.. skalpel – Harmonický skalpel Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Hepatocelulární karcinom - H..