Cerebrovascular disease
Lyme disease
Presentation of lyme disease
Orbital Disease
Příspěvek je určen studentům 4. ročníku magisterského studia medicíny 2.LF v rámci bloku Oftalmologie.
Prenatal influences on disease in later life
výukový materiál pro 4. ročník magisterského studia medicíny
COPD preventable and treatable disease
Biochemistry of nervous system, vision and sense. Metabolism of the eye. Mitochondrial disease.
General medicine - summer semester
European action plan for food and nutrition policy 2007 - Tackling noncommunicable and acute disease
Studijní materiál preventiví lékařství
Celiakie (přednáška)
..klíčová slova: Celiac.. ..klíčová slova: Celiac Disease..
Biochemical base of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases
..klíčová slova: gravis, huntington´s disease, stroke, parkinson´s disease, .. .. base of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases
Onkogenetika Reviews
..klíčová slova: Hippel-Lindau disease..
Ornish study
..klíčová slova: prevention, ischemic heart disease..
Onkogenetika Reviews
..klíčová slova: Hippel-Lindau disease..
Lyme Borreliosis: Skin Manifestations
.. Borreliosis, lyme disease, skin manifestations, erythema migrans,..
Treatment of Risk Patient
.. with a bleeding disorder
Patient with cardiac disease
Immunocompromised patient
Patient with..
The introduction into principles of nuclear medicine
.. materials to both diagnose the body and treat disease..
Acute abdominal conditions
.. Gynaecolologic; Neurogenic; Vascular; Systemic disease; Mimicking intraabdominal pathology; Bowel..
Chirurgie jater, žlučových cest a pankreatu
.. cysty
Chronic granulomatous disease -CGD
Malignaní nádory j..