Urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infection in children a practical approach
Respiratory infections
Infections of orofacial region
Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Biochemistry of gastrointestinal tract
General medicine - summer semester
Infections of Orofacial Region
Suppurative inflammation affecting the anatomically preformed deep facial spaces and neck with the possibility of further spread of pus.
Urinary system
Seminar presentation
Urinary system - electronmicrographs
Electronmicrographs to study
Development of kidneys and ureters, rectum, urinary bladder and urethra
Seminar presentation
Hospital infection
..keywords: infections..
Emerging Diseases
.. která byla nově identifikována, reemerging infections – termín používaný pro „stará onem..