Treatment of Risk Patient

Patient with a bleeding disorder
Patient with cardiac disease
Immunocompromised patient
Patient with diseases of the respiratory system
Infections of Orofacial Region

Suppurative inflammation affecting the anatomically preformed deep facial spaces and neck with the possibility of further spread of pus.
Clefts defects

Clefts are the most common craniofacial anomaly
They are characterised by failure of fusion between certain ebryological processes(swellings) during facial morphogenesis
Extraction of the Tooth

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Prosthodontics, Implantology

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Nomenclature and Anatomy of the Teeth, Orofacial Anatomy

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Diseases of the Pulp

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year
Infections of orofacial region

Dentistry - educational materials
M.D. programme - General Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine
4th year