Development of human being (I)

Development of human being (I)
Since birth up to pubertal onset
This presentation was developed to be displayed and explained during the lessons.
It is not self-explanatory and cannot adequately substitute the recommended study literature.
physical development (growth, puberty)
cognitive development (development of cognitive functions)
social development
emotional development
Puberty (Development of human being)

paediatrics 6

Development of human being (II)Puberty

Gonadal development - starts by 10 weeks’ gestation, almost complete by age 3 months in the male
Without significant input from gonadotropins, although placental hCG plays a role in migration of germ cells and differentiation of Leydig’s cells
By the 21st week of gestation, the hypothalamus secretes GnRH, and the anterior pituitary releases FSH and LH
Their levels reach a peak by the 23rd to 24th week of gestation, which coincides with oocyte maturation in utero, incl. the development of primary follicles.
Hypoglycaemia in children

endocrinology 5
Department of Paediatrics

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