HLA and antigen presentation II

HLA and antigen presentation

Cross-section of the arm

Picture of the cross-section
Cross-section of the neck at the level of C6

Picture of the cross-section of the neck
Test joints

X-ray pictures for the final exam in anatomy

X-ray pictures
Pictures for downloading

Pictures for downloading
Scheme of the spinal nerve + description
Scheme of the parasympathetic system + description
Scheme of the parasympathetic cranial ganglion
Transversal cross section of the spinal cord
Transversal cross section of the medulla oblongata
Transversal cross section of the pons
Transversal cross section of the mesencephalon
Fossa rhomboidea
Transversal cross section at the level of the border between spinal cord and medulla oblongata
Cross sections of the brain
Nervi spinales III

Nervi spinales II.
