Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry

2nd Faculty of Medicine Official Web Site
Congenital (Infantile) cataract
Příspěvek je určen studentům 4. ročníku magisterského studia medicíny 2.LF v rámci bloku Oftalmologie.
Childhood glaucoma
Příspěvek je určen studentům 4. ročníku magisterského studia medicíny 2.LF v rámci bloku Oftalmologie.
Development of the skin and skin adnexa and derivatives
Seminar presentation
Development of the eye, ear, olfactory epithelium
Seminar presentation
Development of the endocrine system: pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenals and Langerhans’ islets
Seminar presentation
Development of genital ducts and external genitalia
Seminar presentation
Development of gonads, determination of sex
Seminar presentation
Development of kidneys and ureters, rectum, urinary bladder and urethra
Seminar presentation
Development of the respiratory system
Seminar presentation