Advances in Molecular Genetic
Optional subject for students of the 5th year
Onkogenetika Reviews
..klíčová slova: ovarian cancer, BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic.. ..klíčová slova: cancer, BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic.. ..klíčová slova: BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic testing..
Onkogenetika Reviews
..klíčová slova: ovarian cancer, BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic.. ..klíčová slova: cancer, BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic.. ..klíčová slova: BRCA, Risk calculation, Predictive genetic testing..
Transfusion medicine
.. modification, pretransfusion compatibility testing, measures, safety, clinical surveillance,..
Psychologie bolesti
.. struktur a regulačních mechanizmů na fylogeneticky starší struktury a mechanizmy. Fylogeneticky n.. .. stage of maladjustment to chronic pain and its testing by Fear and Observation of Pain Inventory (FOPI)..
Studijní materiál k předmětům klinická psychologie (3. ročník Bc) a Psychosomatika a klinická psychologie (2. ročník Nmgr. )
.. struktur a regulačních mechanizmů na fylogeneticky starší struktury a mechanizmy. Fylogeneticky n.. .. stage of maladjustment to chronic pain and its testing by Fear and Observation of Pain Inventory (FOPI)..